January 27, 2025

Jamuary 27, 2025

There have been multiple days now where I come up with something, listen to it, think to myself what in the world were you thinking,” but then push on and make something else out of it.

I imagine this is a learning experience. I think to the hundreds of abandoned project files over the years, the songs that felt stuck and were left to gather dust. I think I mentioned that earlier this month. It must resonate with me on days like this, when the wall must be broken through:

TDLPA · Scrape (Jan 27 2025)

It went like this:

This was the inflection point. I could start over, yuck, or push forward. Starting over would mean throwing this failed track into the dustbin, which I didn’t want to do this month. So:

And what do we have here? Something! I don’t mind how it came out, and I’m thrilled that even this could be salvageable. All it took was a willingness to blow things up.

I’m leaning more towards the blowing things up philosophy, and away from the well it was fun while it lasted but it sucks too bad to use” philosophy. I think this bodes well. Anything can be valid, useful. You just have to get used to recycling.

// tags: making music jamuary
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jamuary 26, 2025 As I wrote when sharing this on lines, “I made this piecemeal over the past 10 hours in the precious moments when there wasn’t a screaming child
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jamuary 28, 2025 Today I was short on time, short on inspiration, and my mind was somewhere else entirely. Luckily, something nice came out of a brief wrestle with